We don’t just accommodate children’s differences…we apply current neuroscientific research to address them

Parents with unique learners are often told to look for a special education school that can “teach to the way your child learns.” Yet the field of neuroscience has meaningfully evolved in the last several decades, pointing the way to how we can not just accommodate a child’s differences, but actually reduce these barriers for many kids, giving them the opportunity to go forward to whatever setting—and future—they choose.

Throughout a child’s program, our multi-disciplinary team applies an integrated, three-step process to identify at a very granular level the specific skills that are holding a child back, how can we move that needle forward, and then how can we give the child agency over that process. We do this across all areas of a child’s profile, including their learning, social and emotional experiences, through an in-depth understanding of their neuropsychological strengths and weaknesses along with factors affecting their emotional and neurophysiological regulation. This information is then integrated to create holistic programs to address each of the challenges identified and prepare the student to accelerate their growth. Here is an overview of this process.