Cajal Academy is now recognized as a 501c3 non-profit organization! Please help us celebrate by making a tax-deductible donation!

Please support our work to modernize education with a tax-deductible donation!

Cajal Academy was founded by a small team with a big mission: to create innovational new educational approaches that align with what scientists already know about how kids learn, socialized and grow!

This is actually a two-prong mission: to develop these new innovational approaches and to run a school for kids with very high analytical and creative thinking skills, coupled with an area of special education need. These go hand in hand: the protocols allow us to bring what can be transformative impacts for the kids in our school, and the school provides an expertized environment in which to develop new educational approaches based on current neuroscientific research.

Please consider making a donation, or scroll down to see how you can volunteer with our organization!


Here’s how your tax-deductible donation will help us help more kids:

Help Us Grow Our School

Cajal Academy is the only school in Connecticut or the 'burbs surrounding New York City to offer both academic programming and expert therapies tailored to the needs of kids with both very high analytical and/or creative reasoning skills, together with an area of special education need. Your donation will help us get the word out to more families so we can grow our school!

Two boys hold up a drawing

Help Us Seed a Scholarship Fund

Working through the pandemic with a small pilot program of kids with highly-complex profiles allowed us to develop a new, matrix-based approach that has already had some transformative results for kids with whom most schools don't know where to begin. Now it's time for us to scale that model, and that means starting a scholarship fund that we can use to defray the costs so more children can participate.

Help Us Develop New Educational Approaches

We're changing what education looks like, with our OT-, PT- and psychologist-designed new approach to learning! We started with the science of how kids learn, socialize and grow. Then we built new academic and social-emotional curricula and classroom pedagogies that match to the science!

Help Us Empower More Medically-Complex Kids!

We’ve developed a first-of-its-kind "school within a school" empowering kids with POTS, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and other connective tissue disorders, and other complex conditions through expert services and specialized instruction in how to self-monitor, self-manage and self-advocate for their needs.

Help Support our Mission as a Volunteer!


It takes more than a village…

Launching a new school and creating a whole new approach to education takes a collaborative effort!

Here are some of the volunteer positions we are hoping to fill - please help us spread the word if you know of someone who is looking for an opportunity to give back!

  • Pro bono accountant (CPA) experienced with non-profit accounting

  • Digital marketers

  • Pro bono nonprofit corporate governance and/or education law legal counsel

  • Grant writing, or help to identify appropriate grant opportunities)

  • Admissions team members to help with family outreach and applications

We are interested in hearing from experienced educators and licensed therapists who share our passion and would like to be considered for positions as we grow our team. Please contact us to find out more.

Thank you!


Contact us to find out how you can get involved!